The Soccer War

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Clara recalls the Soccer War between El Salvador and Honduras, and staying behind with her children while her husband slept somewhere in the mountains.



[I was told that you lived in Honduras for a time. And what year was that, approximately?]

I don’t remember what year that was, but when we were there a war happened… I can’t even remember how the story goes, but it lasted one hundred hours, as they say. I don’t remember anymore. So, when we were there, they threw us out. They wanted to get rid of us. They were going to turn us into soap, they said.

A friend told me: “Don’t worry, just stay over there with him.”

I slept there with the kids. The man told me he would go sleep up on the mountains, because men were being persecuted. We ended up coming here because they didn’t want to have us there anymore. They said they would only give us forty-eight hours to leave.