Murders by Paramilitares

Watch on YouTube Murders by Paramilitares

Pedro describes how members of ORDEN killed his uncle and another woman.



At one point they killed one of my uncles. They found him in the kitchen. He was a little slow— the normal people had all run away, and he stayed in the kitchen. When the ORDEN members came they took him out into a coffee field. When he was climbing over the fence they hit him with the first rock. The old man fell to the ground, and they say that they smashed his head in with rocks, so that the people who were fleeing wouldn’t hear the gunshots, so they wouldn’t hear the gunshots. One of my sisters-in-law was pregnant, she was sick, her husband had left, he had gone out, and since she was sick she couldn’t leave. The ORDEN members came and they pulled her out onto the patio of the house. After that we don’t know if she struggled, but they killed her, they cut off her—they grabbed her by the hair and chopped up her skull with their machetes and threw away the pieces, and left her dead body by a stone fence. They had cut off all this, just a string, a bit of her neck was left, the rest was gone.