Husband’s Capture

Watch on YouTube Husband’s Capture

Dionisia describes how her husband never made it to the refugee camp Mesa Grande in Honduras, as he was captured and assassinated.



No, (my husband) never made it to Mesa Grande, they captured him in Guajiniquil and killed him, after they took him up to Chupamiel they killed them, they led them to La Cañada, to all the places where there were guerrilla, where there were bunkers, they led them all over the place. There were five men and two girls and then, that’s when I went (to Honduras), alone with all of the children, because they killed him. Yes.
[And you never knew why they captured him?]
No… well yes, because he was with the guerrilla, the fact that he was with the guerrilla he was, let’s say, he was part of the “masses,” we called it “the masses,” the people who weren’t armed and enlisted with the guerrilla, we called them “the masses.” And the fact that my sons were in the guerrilla. My sons were, and that’s why they killed him. Yes.