Aerial Bombings

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Toribio describes an invasion and aerial bombing campaign that happened between 1980 and 1981.



There was an invasion while we were in Chupamiel. There was massive bombing. They chased us out of there. We had a bunker where we could defend ourselves. We had dug bunkers, whenever you arrived somewhere you had to dig a bunker to defend the people, and yourself also. But when they came by both land and air, there was nothing left to do except break a path in the direction of Patamera.

[Approximately what year was this?]

Well, in 1980, from 80 to 81, because my wife died in 81. Then... From Chupamiel, they sent us to Patamera. We stayed for a couple of days and then they brought us… There were enemies everywhere, as soon as they realized where we were they would remove us by force, with mortars or bombs. They sent planes to bomb us, one after another; you could hear the sound of those critters. You had to find a way to defend yourself in order to live a few more days. That’s why we had bunkers or sometimes trenches. So you could dive quickly into a trench if a bomb fell. It would go overhead and you would be lying in the trench. That’s how many people defended themselves, then. We defended ourselves.