Achieving Justice

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Edwin speaks of various means of achieving justice for survivors of the armed conflict.



[What would be a way to get justice for all those people who suffered during the armed conflict?]

Well, the first way would be to help all the elderly people who lost their children and who are now practically abandoned, without the fair pensions that they really need. What the government gives now is basically a handout, but at least the government is doing that much. Justice would mean providing a space for these people to lead their lives, so they can live the end of their lives well. They need it. They are just left feeling sick, and with no one to care for them. They should try to find the, not to put them in prison or to kill them, but so that everyone knows they did unjust things. People have to know, and there are many out there who are still hiding, who should pay for what they did, and nobody does or says anything about them.