Fleeing to Honduras

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Arminda relates how her family migrated to Honduras and lived among the Honduran population.



[You had to get out of La Cañada? ]
What happened was that they came to take over La Cañada, by air and by land. They came with bullets, bullets, and more bullets. Everyone had to get out of La Cañada in 1981, because it was horrible.
[Where did you go?]
To Honduras.
[What part of Honduras?]
We ended up in a place they call El Mescalar. After that, we went to La Majada.
[Was someone waiting for you over there?]
No. In that situation, there were different places that refugees could go. Some people went one way, to the mountains, others towards Honduras. Like that... It wasn't like there was a specific place to go to. My parents fled to Honduras around that time. But...
[Your parents and your siblings too?]
s, my siblings.
[To a refugee camp? ]
Well, they were places for refugees created by the Honduran population. It wasn't a refugee camp. When the people saw our situation, they wanted to help and support us. After being in La Majada for a while, my family left Honduras again and returned to Chichilco hill. We went back to Chichilco.
[What year was that, approximately?]
In 1981. At the end of 1981 and early 1982. During that time we went from place to place, we didn't know where to go. So at that time, we went to Chichilco hill.