Motives to Organize
Obdulio explains the reasons that led people to organize.
Addressing human rights in the wake of human tragedy
Obdulio explains the reasons that led people to organize.
Élida describes the beginnings of social organization and protest, and relates an episode of violence that took place in her hamlet.
Lucía remembers early experiences as a girl attending political meetings with her parents, and the killing of her mother and others; and reflects on exhumation process.
Esperanza describes the repression that led many in Arcatao to leave their homes.
Damián reflects on the social inequality and social demands that led to the civil war, as well as rural organizing and the founding of the Union of Field Workers (UTC) in 1975.
Celestino explains that the paramilitaries were the harshest forces during the war.
Edwin relates how his family was persecuted by the National Guard, which led him and his younger brother to leave their school and home.
Margarita shares her views on the inequality, poverty, and exclusion that led rural Salvadorans to organize.
Víctor reflects on the reasons that led people to organize.
Isabel remembers the first days of repression in Arcatao during which the military killed his mother.
Rosa explains her role in political organizing, she recounts the 1980 El Rincón massacre and the killings of her parents, and describes the role of clandestine militias.
Santiago lists some of the rural political organizations which were present in Chalatenango.