Organizing & Repression

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Víctor remembers a few iconic moments of his political involvement prior to the armed conflict: the 1975 student massacre, his participation in the UTC, and his experience of detainment and torture by the National Guard in 1976.



Well, in ’75 there was a massacre of university students in San Salvador. At that time there were already organizing meetings in this region, the UTC was already here. The Union of Field Workers, which we were organizing here, right? On the anniversary of the massacre of the students in 1976 I went to the protest in San Salvador, I had the privilege to be there, there were a lot of people, crowds who came from here, from all over the country. Later in 1976 I was detained by the National Guard, I was tortured by the National Guard at that time, here in the community. Because we were organized, we were, like they say, they were watching us. I was captured, I was held prisoner here in town, in Arcatao. But I finally got out, right? But a year later, in 1977, I was imprisoned again.